I met with a group of talented Southern California-based photographers in Bellflower, CA the other day to do a mini bridal shoot. It was such a blast getting to know each other, talking shop, and practicing our craft. This was a first of many for me. First time meeting up with other professional photographers. First time working with a professional model. First time shooting in a studio. I would be lying if I said that I didn’t feel anxious and intimidated being surrounded by so much talent in such a small space, but everyone was supportive. All anxiety fell away as soon as I got behind the lens and started shooting.Bride photo

 The gorgeous Christine Osterhoudt was all dolled up and was an absolutely flawless bride, thanks to the hair and make-up team. Christine was a dream to work with. She worked the camera effortlessly and with a little extra sass. She was a trooper the entire shoot. Aside from modeling, Christine also dances hip-hop. As a hip-hop music fan and a girl who enjoys to salsa dance, that makes her extra cool in my book.Bride photo
I braved Southern California traffic and drove two hours from San Diego to be a part of this bridal shoot. It was worth every drop of over-priced California gasoline.  The long drive gave me some time to practice my karaoke skills. Two hours later, I still sing off key and make up my own lyrics after the chorus. On the flip side, the bridal shoot was a success. It was a boost in my motivation and I’m thankful to have been a part of this event. I arrived at the studio eager to soak up as much experience as I can for my first studio shoot. I left feeling rejuvenated. I hope to continue to network with like-minded creative entrepreneurs. Let the creative juices flow!  After all, “A rising tide lifts all boats.”
I feel inspired by all of the photographers I met and know that we can all learn from each other, push each other to kick it up a notch, and have fun doing what we love to do.
Bride photo
Bride photo
Yours Truly,
Special thanks to photographer, Christian Calvez for organizing the bridal shoot and for being such a gracious host. Thank you to everyone involved for rocking at what you do and allowing me to be a part of it.
Model: Christine Osterhoudt
Make-up Artist: Roxy Davis
Hair Stylist:  Bridget  Lopez
P.S. If you like my work, feel free to stop by my Facebook page and hit the “Like” button so that we can stay connected. 🙂

These photos are great! I love the ones by the door, especially the one where she’s showing off her boots with the wedding dress. 🙂

Thanks, Kristle!! I thought the boots peek-a-boo was a fun touch, too!

These are awesome Kristine!!!! I love all these photos and especially the yellow door! Glad you were able to experience this!!!

Thanks, Christina! And congratulations, you’re my very first non-spam comment on this blog post! Hahaha