Yes. A million times over. The answer is “yes.” Matt doesn’t remember exactly what he said to his girlfriend of four years… All he knows is that this is what happiness is. In that beautiful Southern California light, Blaire looks even more radiant. She’s in awe–her hand clapped to her mouth, her eyes swimming.  He towers at 6’6″ and for once, he is the one looking up at Blaire, who is petite at 5’3″.

From one sandy bended knee, Matt reaches for the ring box that he is hiding in his sock. It contains a shining diamond ring. The stunning ring belonged to Blaire’s mother who passed away a few years ago from cancer. Blaire recognizes it instantly–the gold band and shining diamond challenging the sun. Blaire threw her hands around Matt’s neck and hugged him with all her might.

It was a perfect proposal. As the sun was setting, the historic Hotel Del Coronado stood as witness to Matt’s romantic proposal to Blaire. Hotel Del Coronado and the surrounding gold-flecked beach holds a special place in Blaire’s heart. Matt’s proposal at Coronado beach makes it more magical.

Below are some photos of Matt’s romantic surprise proposal to Blaire at Hotel Del Coronado in Coronado, CA.



Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (1)

Matt and Blaire held hands as they walked along the beach. Boulders line the shore and provide the perfect private island for their date. Blaire has no idea what’s coming…

Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (2)
Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (3)Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (4)




Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (5)

Moments after she said “YES!!!”

Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (6)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (7)

The beautiful couple met in St. Louis, Missouri at a restaurant four years ago. They just happened to be dining at the same restaurant and have been dating ever since.

Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (8)

The two are sometimes polar opposites, but their differences are actually what they love most about each other. One obvious difference is their height (Matt is a former college and international basketball player and is over a foot taller than Blaire). Matt is a very driven person who works best in the morning and is almost never serious. Blaire loves to sleep in and is more of a night owl. She is extremely compassionate and easy to get along with. She adores her large, loving family. Matt loves his fiance’s laugh–it’s one of the most distinct laughs and you can’t help but smile when you’re around her.


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (9)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (10)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (11)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (12)

“We also love the fact that in any situation, we would want each other by our side.” It’s easy to see that these two are two friends who are deeply, undeniably in love.


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (13)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (14)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (15)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (16)

I love this photo of the newly engaged couple! Blaire’s smile lights up the frame and I love how Matt’s smile says it all.


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (17)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (18)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (19)

Matt, thank you so much for trusting me to capture your special proposal at Hotel Del Coronado. Matt and Blaire, it was such a pleasure to photograph the whole proposal unfold, and to capture your elated expressions. I love that you both embrace your differences. You have amazing chemistry (as lovers who are friends often do)! Cheers to all the beautiful moments ahead!
Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (21)Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (20)


Romantic Hotel Del Coronado Beach Surprise Proposal San Diego Sunset Engagement Photographer | © Kristine Marie Photography | (22)

Friends and family of Matt and Blaire, I hope that you enjoy the photos and feel like you were there too!  Please feel free to leave a comment to congratulate the couple on their engagement.



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Blaire~ From the very first day you were born, a fairy tale moment like this was just one of the many hopes and dreams your momma had for you. I am so thankful that I have been able to watch you blossom into the beautiful, delicate, yet strong and independent woman that she taught you to be. As much sadness that it brings to me that she doesnt get to be here for these next huge milestones in your life, it brings me joy to know that she has the best seat in the house up there,(just like that 50 yd line 😉 ) watching every little moment like this, with the biggest smile on her face. I can even hear the laughter that accompanied that smile when she just couldn’t contain her emotions, as sometimes us mothers just can’t. I KNOW you felt her presence as soon as you saw that ring. (Which is a whole other story in itself haha!) I am so happy that you found your “Prince Charming”. I cant wait to talk wedding details!! And I just have to say…”I TOLD YA SO!!!” ♡♡♡♡

Matt~ I will never forget the first time we met you….it could have been what some would call an awkward situation. It was a time of such devastation for our family. Just hours before, we had lost Blaire’s Mom, my Dear Aunt Kim. We had been standing for hours greeting family, friends, neighbors, and tons of complete strangers. As a matter of fact one of the longest visitation lines most will have ever seen. I know you had to be so nervous as you approached the casket of a woman you never even got the chance to meet. Followed by her Father, 2 brothers, 2 cousins, and an Aunt and Uncle. Most of all HER, Blaire. I just remember thinking ,” WOW, this guy is the real deal right here. Who does this? What young guy, who just started dating someone , would choose put himself in this situation? ” My question was quickly answered as soon as I watched you, one by one, look each one of my family members and I in the eye, introduce yourself, and with a firm handshake or a heartfelt hug, seperately give every one of us your sincere condolences. I watched you hold back the tears in your eyes as you held Blaire in your arms and then went right on down the line like any other person there. I remember thinking if I were you I would’ve just came in and said you were with her and took advantage of not having to stand in line for hours. However, I realize that it was your character that made you do it the “right way”. Your respectful nature impressed all of us that night and as we got to know you in the days to follow, we were all just smitten with how in the midst of all the pain, you were able to bring light to my baby cousins eyes. I have told you this before but Kim would have LOVED you, and you her. Your sarcastic humor would have paired so well with hers…you have no idea! God knew exactly what he was doing with his timing. He may have took a piece of Blaires heart in that season, but he gave her something wonderful to keep it beating. Thank you so much for thinking about us and allowing us to be able to experience this moment that you had captured by this awesome photographer. Smooth move Matt, smooooth move 😉

Congratulations to the both of you. Beautiful pictures.

So happy for you and for your dad and grandma. May you make many, many more wonderful memories. Your Mom would be over the moon and I know she is smiling down at you every day

No words needed! Who's heart wouldn't be happy looking at these photos and reading this blog! May you both be blessed with a lifetime of smiles, reasons to laugh and love! 🙂

Congrats to you both!!! Hotel Del Coronado is one of the most beautiful places on earth. What a great choice Matt-I haven’t been there since I was 18. So happy for you both!

So awesomely beautiful!! I love that you guys have these moments captured for eternity!! So happy for you both❤️❤️

Awesomely beautiful!!❤️ Love that you guys have these moments captured for eternity! So happy for you both!

Amazing pictures of a moment in time that you'll never forget. Kim would be "over the moon" with Matt and your engagement. Congrats to you both <3