Ginza, Tokyo is home to the world-famous Tsukiji Fish Market. It’s a bustling place with endless good eats, the freshest fish, and interesting sights. It’s a unique location in Tokyo for some stylish lifestyle portraits.

Effortlessly fashionable Lauren of Shoes and Sashimi, is a foodie with a love for fashion and footwear. Like me, she also hails from California and loves sightseeing in Japan. On a warm summer morning, we met in Ginza, Tokyo and walked to Tsukiji Fish Market for a morning photoshoot.

I love her minimalist looks and chic outfits, featuring timeless staples: black tops and off the shoulder numbers, high-waist denim, mules, striped linen pants, and of course, a straw hat and shades under the blazing heat. Japan is after all, “the land of the rising sun” and summertime is hot and humid! Below are a few of my favorite pictures from a stylish lifestyle photo session at Tsukiji Fish Market in Ginza, Tokyo. After a fun and successful photo session, we enjoyed delicious sashimi at one of the eateries at Tsukiji Fish Market! Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger

Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger


Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger


Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger



Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger


Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger


Ginza Tokyo Lifestyle Portrait Photographer Tsukiji Fish Market | Style Blogger


Interested in a lifestyle photo session with Kristine Marie Photography? Contact us here and let’s plan your photoshoot!