Sunrise outside of Gorman, California. We stopped at a local gas station during our drive to the Bay Area from San Diego. We were greeted with a serene sunrise.
Sunrise outside of Gorman, California. We stopped at a local gas station during our drive to the Bay Area from San Diego. The five of us: 3 sisters & 2 dogs, were greeted with five trees and a  serene sunrise.

During a very long drive, I had a lot of time to think. With the Thanksgiving season upon us, I wanted to count my blessings and express my gratitude aloud.  This year, I am most thankful for the following beacons of light that light up my life so warmly:

  1. My husband. He makes me so proud to be his wife. He holds me up when I’m feeling down, and helps carry out my dreams while carrying out his own, and then some. This man’s heart is so big, that it makes my heart swell knowing that with all that he does on a day-to-day basis, there’s room for more. Learn more about what we are building together, even when we are apart:
  2. My furchildren, Baxter and Maybelline. I love them. I love them so much that I sometimes think that it’s abnormal for a human being to feel this much affection for two furballs that have no idea what my name is. Last night, there was an incident and I thought that I would lose my dog, Baxter. He got into an altercation with another dog that was much, much bigger than him. The other dog clamped down on Baxter’s throat and wouldn’t let go. I died a hundred times during those two minutes, and feel ill reliving it… I am so thankful for my babies and grateful for the joy that they bring into our lives.
  3. My family. I’m thankful for our closeness and the comfort of knowing that they will always love and support me despite my shortcomings. It sometimes goes unspoken and taken for granted, but my love for my family is my rock. It is a constant when things are inconsistent. I am so thankful that I can share Thanksgiving with them this year where we are all under one roof, sharing a meal together that we all had a hand in preparing.
  4. My clients and supporters. Thank YOU for allowing me to do what I love.  Thank you for letting me into a momentous, treasured time in your life and allowing me to freeze it in time. Thank you for sharing my information, my work, or your positive experience with me as your photographer to the people that you care about. Thank you for the kind words, and small gestures that you show me through social media. It encourages and inspires me to serve you better, and ultimately, to become a better artist. Your kindness does not go unnoticed and quickly becomes the highlight of my day.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving!

With Love & Gratitude,


Happy Thanksgiving Ate! I’m glad I have a sister like you! You da coolest! Thank you for being awesome, inspirational and supprotive. Love you always!

Thanks, sister. You commented as Kristle, but I can tell this is Kate. LOL <3

Happy Thanksgiving, sister! It was good to laugh and share stories on our car ride to the Bay. Can’t wait to eat all the good food tonight and have fun with all the family.