I sat in the bleachers with my family and couldn’t help but feel…well, sweaty. Despite the summer heat, I was glad to be there, soaking up the sun and ready to yell as loud as I can when her name was called.  It’s crazy how quickly time flies. This summer, my baby sister graduated high school.  We are all so proud of you, Katherine!

Before we headed for Poway High School for the graduation ceremony, I set up my tripod to snap a few family photos. It was tough to find some shade big enough to fit us all, but we managed to squeeze in.


Here’s a photo of my husband, my parents, my two sisters and her boyfriend. We are missing my brother who unfortunately, couldn’t fly down from the Bay Area.

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Here’s a photo of Katherine in line to receive her diploma.

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The photo below is my sister, Katherine giving one of her favorite teachers a big bear hug. Despite her small frame, she hugs like a linebacker and nearly knocked him off the stands. In fact, she knocked her cap off in the process. HAHAHA


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This photo below makes me happy. It’s a candid photo of my mom giving my sister a kiss on the cheek soon after the graduating seniors threw their caps in the air.


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Here’s a photo of me and my two sisters.


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Here’s a photo of Katherine with some high-school friends. Congratulations, graduates! I know that your futures are bright!

San Diego Event Photography | Poway High School Photos | Kristine Marie Photography (1)

Now that summer is in full effect, what fun things do you have planned?


Kristoffer Maglunob

I wish I had a pro photographer during my high school graduation! it would've made me look smarter lol #GOML

LOL!!! Kuya, you crack me up. #RSNL

Awww I wish I had (proper) pictures from any of my graduations! How great!

Congratulations to your sister!! You have a beautiful family!

yay! congrats to her and her family!

It’s amazing that we have this gift that we can give our family, when we come along and record a day as it goes by. I am sure she will treasure these images in years to come.

Wow, I still can’t believe she’s going to college in the fall.Great pictures! I like the one with mom giving her a kiss and hug. Dad is cheesing in the background too!