y sailor and I celebrated Veteran’s Day by having brunch at Broken Yolk, enjoying a Starbuck’s coffee, shopping, and watching the movie, Maleficent. It was nice to be unplugged and to spend time together, just the two of us hanging out.

In honor of Veteran’s Day, I wanted to share some photos of my sailor, Rex. These were taken the day he came home after nine months of deployment. I was so happy to see him, that I gave him the biggest bear hug. Here is a photo that someone took for us (I wish I knew so I can give proper credit.)  I’m so grateful that this was captured on camera. 🙂 homecoming photo me and rex hugging


My hats off to the Veterans who have served this country and to those who are active duty military, especially to my husband. Thank you for the sacrifices that you continue to make in order to keep our country safe!

Homecoming USS Coronado | San Diego Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
One of the sailors was kind enough to take this photo for us. Thanks Adam Vergilio!

He was working that day, so he is in his fire-retardant coveralls. Later on, he showed me around and gave me a tour of the USS Coronado ship.

Sailor in Coveralls | Homecoming USS Coronado | San Diego Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Homecoming USS Coronado | San Diego Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography




Sailor at Work | Homecoming USS Coronado | San Diego Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography

During my private tour of the the USS Coronado, I stumbled upon this dummy that the sailors use for training and drills. As you can see, Rex and I joke around often. We’re a couple of kids and couldn’t resist taking a playful photo with it. 😉

Don’t worry, you’re safe when Rex stands watch. He doesn’t sleep on the job, promise.


Funny Photo of Sailor and Dummy | San Diego Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography

God Bless the USA!


You two look so sweet together!

I Iike the candid photo of you guys hugging-cute!

You two are so cute together. A big thank you to your husband for his service. 🙂

That last pic! LOL! Love it!!

Love personal posts! There's so much more to us photographer than just taking photos of others 😉

Lol! I love the shot with the dummy! How special that you got to spend time with him and get a tour of the ship! And a huge thank you to your husband for serving in our military!