It was my birthday last Tuesday on January 29th and I have to tell you that I’ve been celebrating for over a week now! First with some friends, then with the hubs, and then with my family.  Does anyone else do this? I wonder if I’ll continue to celebrate this way well into my golden years.  I hope so. What can I say? I have a lot of blessings to be thankful for, I’m loving life and the loving people in it… and I really like cake.

Here’s a complimentary Lemon Meringue ice cream cake from Amaya restaurant. Pairs well with French-pressed coffee and a good night kiss.

The pre-birthday celebration was kicked off with friends who came over for homemade pulled pork sandwiches, mac n cheese and cocktails.  One of my sisters made her awesome bacon and spinach quiche and my little sister surprised me with boston cream cake  and lovely purple tulips.  I enjoyed the company of friends with wine and cupcakes–a winning combination. It was low key until we played an intense game of Taboo. I guess any board game is intense when I’m playing it. I’ve been known to be super competitive. (Duck!!!)

The fire extinguisher was on hand during this candle-lighting ceremony.

boston cream cake

tulipsOn my birthday three years ago, before enjoying gourmet dinner in Del Mar, a medium height, dark and handsome man, proposed to me on my birthday. The love of your life getting down on one knee, presenting you with a beautiful diamond and then taking you out to a swanky restaurant is a really tough birthday gift to beat… (Boys, this isn’t to discourage you from proposing  on her birthday.) Every year since then, Rex and I go on a date night to celebrate my birthday and we enjoy a delicious dinner together at a nice restaurant. I enjoy it more and more each year. Thank you, Rex for making me feel like a queen.

He surprised me with long-stemmed red roses!

DSC_0166Here’s the two of us before we headed out the door.

This year, Rex and I went to Amaya at the Grand Del Mar.  Upon arrival, the two of us jokingly called each other Sir Edmund III and Lady Elizabeth whilst I pretended to stroke a pure-bred miniature dog. (This was before any alcohol was consumed. We are just a couple of crazy kids at heart.) The Grand Del Mar truly was grand with spiral staircases, extravagant bouquets, ornate wood carvings, walls of old books, and fantastic food! Here are more images (most are from my iPhone) of my joyful birthday week.stairs

Flower Bouquet Grand Del Mar

web_e_DSC_0197I want to virtually hug everyone who made my birthday fabulous. Thank you for making my day so special with your birthday wishes! I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

Yours Truly,
