This photo session was extra special to me because I was photographing my favorite brother, Kristoffer.  Mini photo session with the one and only big bro! He wanted to have a professional profile picture to use for his LinkedIn account and for other social networking accounts.  He said something about using it for his eHarmony and account. I never know if he’s kidding or not.

We walked over to a nearby park right when the sun was about to set. Alas, magic hour… This time of day makes for authentic, warm lighting. It makes any client look glowing.

For headshots, you want to look like yourself, express your own style, and project your personality. Kristoffer is in sales and marketing, so I played up his confidence, approachability and charm.  I instructed him to give me his most winning smile. The first few tries, looked fine, but I could tell they were forced. We tried a different approach. I asked him to think about something that makes him really happy, like a perfectly grilled steak.  After we shared a few laughs, he managed.  He can also be described as funny and goofy, so I think a little of that shows through as well.

You’d hire this guy, right?

Yours Truly,
