My face feels slightly flushed, and my heart is racing.  Butterflies are fluttering in my stomach. I skipped my usual cup of dirty chai latte today because I am feeling adequately caffeinated all on my own.   The last time that I felt this nervous was back in college, when I had to sing  an entire song (twice as long as the video below) in front of a large crowd of strangers. I don’t mind public speaking, but singing aloud is an activity I reserve for road trips with people who are stuck with me in a fast-moving vehicle, and doubly stuck with me for life: like my husband, and my family. Well, there are some exceptions, like extremely rare karaoke performances which must involve strong adult beverages, arm-twisting, and a pinky swear to destroy any and all embarrassing evidence (like a video!).

Okay, enough stalling.  I am both nervous and excited to release my first video for my photography business. In my very first video, I share with you why I love being a wedding and portrait photographer, and what you can expect when you hire me as your photographer. Come along with me to an actual photography session with one of my fabulous clients. I may be nervous to release this video into the vast interweb, but there is no reason for YOU to be nervous when you’re around me and my camera! During our photography session, I’m there to encourage  you to have fun, and enjoy each other and your surroundings.  I’ll be there to laugh with you and capture the romantic, genuine moments.

I hope that you enjoy the behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Kristine Marie Photography experience. Click the play button on the video below and be sure to leave a comment to let me know what you think.




Awesome! Makes me want to do a promo for my site 🙂

Kristine this is such a great promo video!! You are so adorable! 😉

Kristine Marie Maglunob

Thanks, Iselle!

Cool video! I think showing a glimpse of how much fun people have during one of your shoots was a great idea. 🙂

Awesome video! Zach and I both think it looks great. We have really enjoyed our photo sessions with you, and recommend you to all our friends and family.

Nicole & Zach, likewise. It’s always such a blast when we get together. I really appreciate your referrals.