Wedding PhotographyDo you have an upcoming photography session that could last up to 8 hours? If you are photographing a wedding that requires all-day coverage, or a bridal photoshoot, or a safari, or anytime where you will need to be on your feet shooting for 3 hours or more, read on for 5 important tips to keep you going the entire time:

1.)  Wear comfortable shoes. Female photographers: Ditch the heels. Even if they are wedges and your “comfy” pair.  No matter how comfortable your cutest pair of wedges are, your feet will be screaming by the end of an extended shoot. Heels force much of your weight to rest on the balls of your feet. Find a pair of flats that have arch support. I’ve worn a pair of black ballet flats that have no support while photographing a wedding. By the 5-hour mark, I envied the bridesmaids and guests going barefoot on the dance floor.  Ditching the heels to photograph a wedding gives you free reign to climb, squat, kneel, run and wrangle with ease. Is it OK to wear sneakers to a wedding? I wouldn’t, but check with the bride before showing up in a posh venue with your worn-in running shoes. Otherwise, a safe bet are flats with cushion and arch support.

2.) Anticipate a snack attack. Wedding photographers sometimes find themselves working much like camels, oftentimes going long periods without food or water. It’s very hard for me to be energetic and on my A-game when I’m parched and hungry.  You do not want to be around when I relive a Snickers chocolate bar commercial. Pack a granola bar, or an energy bar in your photography gear bag to fuel you for the duration of the long shoot. Don’t forget to pack a water bottle.

3.) Bring extra batteries. Aside from making sure you are fully charged to endure an extended shoot, it’s a good idea to make sure your camera can power through the entire day. Depending on the age of your batteries, it can drain pretty quickly, especially if you keep your camera turned on for 3 hours or longer. The night before an extended shoot, like a wedding, or a bridal photoshoot and workshop, I check to make sure that I have at least three extra batteries that are fully charged. Don’t miss a moment because your camera battery dies. Keep the charger with you and if you can, find an outlet to charge the dead battery while you shoot with a back-up.

4.) Pack extra memory cards and keep it with you at ALL times. I’ve made the mistake of not reformatting an SD card before an extended bridal shoot. I had extra memory cards, but it wasn’t physically on me in that particular location. I found myself having to delete  some images from my honeymoon to Costa Rica in-camera to make room. Ouch! I’ve learned my lesson and reformat each card before every photography session, and keep empty SD memory cards on hand. Remember that a photography session may start in one place, and usually ends up somewhere else. Go wherever a great shot takes you and be prepared.

5.)  Female Photographers: Wear waterproof mascara. That is all. Okay, maybe I’ll elaborate. I once went to photograph a wedding wearing non-waterproof mascara. I close my left eye when I shoot, and at the end of the day, I looked like Left Eye from the 90’s R&B group, TLC. Of course, I didn’t notice this until I visited the ladies’ room and did a quick make-up check in the mirror. No wonder, I got some natural smiles from everybody–I was both photographer and comedic relief. 😉  Waterproof mascara is also great for emotional moments like father-daughter dances and heartfelt speeches. (My weak spots.)




P.S. Are you a photographer or an inspiring photographer and have any advice of your own? Feel free to leave a comment.



This is some fabulous advice. I’m shooting my second wedding in June in Cancun and I’m nervous about the shoes issue. I’ve spoken with the bride about my attire and we are both happy.

Hi Michelle,

I’m glad that you found my advice helpful. Wow, Cancun!!! You are international, my friend. 🙂
Best of luck and have fun.
