rue fighters… That is what these twin babies are. They weighed less than three pounds (!) when they were born. Twin babies, Angela and Ben arrived quite early at twenty-eight weeks.  The newborn babies were in NICU for two and a half months, fighting to become healthy and strong enough to come home with their mom and dad.  It’s amazing to hear this beautiful family’s story and I’m truly honored that they chose me to photograph their little angels. Hearing the twin babies’ story uplifts me and gives deeper meaning to my job as a photographer.

At three months, Angela and Ben are happy, healthy, and doubly adorable. They were calm and ready for the camera during our baby portrait session in their home. The three month old twin babies were a joy to photograph, hold, and pose. Baby Angela especially loved the camera and I could tell how curious she was as I photographed her. Her twin baby brother, Ben is also super cute and I  wanted to squeeze his pudgy cheeks half the time. I loved capturing their different expressions! Jie, the superstar mom of the twin babies, noted how different the twins’ characters are: “Angela is very alert and curious, while Ben is more worry-free and determined to gain weight.” I laughed out loud at this, and found it amusing how  baby Ben barely fit in the basket that I posed him in.

The twin babies’ mom remembers how thrilled she was to learn that her and her husband, Lixin, were expecting twins after many years waiting. Though the pregnancy and birth were not smooth, their twin babies are healthy and happy now.  They are loved fiercely by their family.  Jie said, “Those two little angels are true fighters and our sweet babies. They bring a lot of joy and laughter to our family.  Our parenting journey just started, and we are definitely enjoying it.”

Awake Photo of Baby Girl | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Up Close Photo of Baby Girl in Pink Headband | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


3 Month Old Twin Babies Photos | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


3 Month Old Baby Girl | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


3 Month Old Baby Boy | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Cute Baby Boy Photo | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


3 Month Old Baby Twin Babies | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Twin Baby Boy and Girl Photoshoot | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Cute Twin Babies | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Proud Dad with 3 Month Old Baby Boy | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Sleeping Newborn Baby in Bucket | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Close Up Photo of Baby's Eyelashes | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Newborn Baby In Pink | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Baby Boy in Bucket | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Happy Baby in Bucket | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Black and White Photo of Mom with Baby Boy | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Twin Babies with Mom and Dad in Nursery | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Mom Holding Baby Girl in Nursery | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Pastel Nursery | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Candid Photo of Mom and Dad Holding Twin Babies in Nursery | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography


Pastel Nursery | San Diego Newborn Baby Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography

Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, Jie and Lixin. Your twin babies are precious and I’m grateful to have captured these happy moments of your beautiful family.



Kristine, thank you for your beautiful work, capturing our happy moments!

Oh my goodness! What a story these two cuties share. You captured precious photos for their parents, great job!

Victoria Johansson Egneby

Oh my gosh, they are just too precious!

What cuties!!! I want to squeeze their cheeks!

What a precious set of twins, lovely work girl! So cute!

They are SO adorable!! Beautiful work!