irst comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby in a baby carriage… I love that as a wedding and newborn portrait photographer, I can play a small part in people’s lives and capture these precious milestones. I have been so excited for my newborn photography session with Brooke Elise, and have been preparing for it several weeks before Heather’s due date. After a smooth drive from San Diego, I arrived at Heather and Shane’s lovely home in Corona, California to snuggle and photograph their first baby. Heather was all smiles and cooing to little, baby Brooke. Brooke was very alert and studied faces with curiosity. “We love that Brooke snorts a lot, like a little piggy, both while awake and when sleeping,” Heather said, smiling with adoration. Newborn baby Brooke made me laugh out loud a few times with her snorting and the dozen different facial expressions that she shared with me. (Normally, I’m the one acting silly behind the camera to illicit laughs!)

This first pregnancy is extra special since Heather has a twin sister, Rayna, who also JUST gave birth to her first baby, named Chloe. Rayna was the first to learn the news about Heather’s pregnancy and was beyond excited. The two baby girls, Brooke and Chloe (who I bet will grow up to be very close) are less than two weeks apart! I think it’s wonderful that Heather and Rayna have such a cute story to tell their daughters when they get older. What an awesome coincidence, right?
Being a nurse, Heather is a natural with babies.  Her husband, Shane, is not to be outdone. He has been great at Daddy Diaper Duty. Let’s just say that little, baby Brooke tested out her dad’s diaper changing skills especially during the first 24 hours after birth, while her mom rested.
When I asked Heather how she and Shane chose the name “Brooke Elise”, Heather explained that she has loved the name “Brooke” since she was a teenager, and always knew that’s what she would name her baby girl.  Her middle name, “Elise”, is another name she loved, and also happens to be the middle name of her aunt and cousin.
Heather shares some advice to expecting couples: “Savor every moment with your newborn because time flies by fast! There is no such thing as spoiling a baby—hold her as much as you can, as much as she wants. And a vibrating napper seat and/or swing, and a white noise maker = more sleep for mom and dad! :)”
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie PhotographySan Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie PhotographySan Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie PhotographySan Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography San Diego Newborn Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography
Thank you, Heather & Shane for trusting me with your beautiful baby girl. Which pose do you like the best? Tell me in the comment section below.
P.S. If you enjoyed this post, I invite you to follow me on Facebook and become a fan. I’ll let you know when I have new things to share.

awwwww, such a cutie!

Beautiful, and she’s such a cutie!

LOVE that first image! Great work!!

OMG I love everything about this session! Her little chunkie cheeks! Her nursery and her cute name!!! Great job!

love the light! great work!

so so sweet!!! love the softness to these and such a gorgeous little baby!

So precious!! Love the images Kristine!

These are just gorgeous! I love the last picture with the ring on her finger! My favorites are also the ones with mom and dad in them!

Great mix of lifestyle and posed! She's a cutie! Love the rings photo too hehe

oh my goodness so cute those little cheeks and pouty face are precious

Oh my gosh, so precious!

She's gorgeous! Good job Kristine!