How far would you go to impress a girl you’re falling for? What if you’re in college and have spent most of your money on books? Would you scrape enough funds to take her out on a dinner cruise in San Diego? I think many of you would. Love is infectious and does funny things to people. Colin has one leg up on you, though–literally. During his senior year in college, he volunteered to be a guinea pig for a scientific study that required a biopsy of his thighs. He used the money he earned to partially fund a romantic Hornblower dinner cruise for his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day. The cruise ship tours the San Diego bay as the sun sets on the horizon.  The outcome of his profound expression of love? He got an infection from the biopsy–a minor pitfall considering that after 10 years of dating, Colin and Kira are deeper in love and planning their wedding.

Kira studied Math at UC San Diego, while Colin has a biochemistry degree. Kira is now a math teacher and Colin is a product manager. No wonder we just met. The odds of us crossing paths at UCSD were slim. I avoided math and science classes like the plague… or scientific studies promising “lucrative” returns. 😉

Colin and Kira’s relationship is full of endearing, hilarious, quirky stories that exhibit how they’re not just each other’s fiance’s, but quite possibly the best of friends. They met at University of California, San Diego and lived in the same dorm building. Colin and Kira were college sweethearts and have been together since their Freshman year at UC San Diego. They travel together, are parents to two fur babies (one of which makes an excellent vacuum), love wine-tastings, and enjoy good eats in their North Park neighborhood.

In honor of Kira being a teacher, here’s a pop quiz for those of you who know the lovely couple:

Where did Colin and Kira first kiss?

a. Frankfurter Hall, their dorm at UCSD

b. In Maui under a waterfall

c. In Tijuana, Mexico at Club Safari

(Answer at the end.)

What better place to have their engagement session, than their old stomping grounds at UC San Diego? A wave of nostalgia came over me as I returned to UCSD and roamed the campus with Colin and Kira. (Coincidentally, I also lived in Warren College near their dorm and graduated in the same class. What a small world!) We started our session where they first met…at Frankfurter Hall in Warren College.

Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography

A few minutes before sunset, we ventured into the underbelly of Geisel Library.
Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography

We were all surprised to see new architectural wonders that have popped up on campus since graduation–a house atop a building.
Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography Engagement UC San Diego Campus | San Diego Engagement Photographer | Kristine Marie Photography eKMP_9117__WEB

Back to the pop quiz… They didn’t share their first kiss in the Frankfurter Hall dorms where they initially met. Their first kiss wasn’t in Maui under a beautiful waterfall either. Although, that’s where Colin proposed to Kira after they both hiked 2 miles in flip-flops. Kira has a modern day Cinderella story. She lost one of her slippers in the gushing water and her new fiance graciously gave her piggy back rides. Colin even let her use his own flip-flops when her feet began to hurt. While hitching a ride on the back of her loving new fiance, Kira asked Colin repeatedly if he has changed his mind about marrying her.

Kira and Colin’s  first kiss happened in the most romantic place in the world (this is me speaking sarcasm fluently). The answer is c. In Tijuana, Mexico at Club Safari. “Enough said,” Kira says. (LOL) Crossing the border to party in Mexico is a rite of passage that only the brave, adventurous types do while attending UCSD. Because you know, us UCSD nerds study hard and party harder.

Congratulations on your engagement, Colin and Kira! I can’t wait to get to know you better, and to document more memorable moments on your wedding next year…



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[…] that day), our mutual friends (it was great meeting old college friends at their wedding!), their engagement photos at UCSD, and  of course, Kira and Colin’s wine-theme wedding at Garty Pavilion. That was last […]

Lori, thank you so much and thanks for the new Like. 🙂 I adore their love story and happy to be able to retell it with pictures. It's such a pleasure getting to know Kira and Colin!

Kristine, GREAT write up and pics of my beautiful niece, Kira and soon to be husband, Colin. (I actually have tears in my eyes typing this.) :O Kira and Colin, we LOVE you!

Seeing pictures of UCSD makes me want to go visit. Remember the farmers’ market and that awesome grilled lemongrass chicken? Sorry, I digress. This is a cute place to have an engagement photo session, especially since it’s where they met. I think I know where they got engaged too, we never made it to the waterfall, but that area is beautiful!

1/4 of my college wardrobe was from the quarterly vendor fair. LOL and heck yeah the lemongrass chicken was a nice break from subway sandwiches and panda express. Hahaha.