They met at a coffee shop. She was a barista, he was a regular who always ordered a coffee and a sandwich from her. It turns out they worked right next door from each other. I picture him conjuring up a lame ice breaker like,  “How many calories is in the caramel latte?”  (Kris is a bit of a health nut.) Esther laughed when I told her how I imagined their first conversation. She admitted that he was most likely thinking about ways to sound cool.Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Anniversary Portraits | San Diego Wedding & Portrait PhotographerThis is my Kuya (big brother) Kris and his pretty girlfriend, Esther. They live near my home town in the Bay Area. I was visiting from San Diego, and since their anniversary is coming up this month, they wanted to take anniversary portraits to celebrate. I met Esther several years ago when my brother introduced her to me and my family in Southern California. I instantly liked her.  She’s easy-going, approachable, not to mention fashionable, and my brother looked happy.Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait PhotographerAnniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait Photographer

“We had tons to talk about and stayed until the restaurant closed, drinking tea and just getting to know each other,” Esther recalls one of her favorite dates with Kris at a sushi restaurant in the Bay Area. Seven years later, they still enjoy trying out new places to eat. As I mentioned, my brother is really into fitness. (Food and fitness. It’s a great balancing act.) The two of them go mountain biking on the weekends and take bikram yoga classes. Most waking hours are spent showering their adopted pitbull, Sophie, with love and affection, and an occasional spoonful of peanut butter.Anniversary Portraits | San Diego Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait PhotographerAfter being with each other for so long, you get to know their ins and outs. You can hear volumes without saying a word, and can finish each other’s sentences. “Kris is caring and he knows what I want before I even say it. He knows me too well and I love that,” Esther says.Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait PhotographerAnniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait PhotographerI think that if I asked my brother the same question: What’s your favorite thing about her? He’d say that she’s supportive of him and the things he’s passionate about–like motorcycle track racing, despite the sport being dangerous.

To be sure, I texted him my question. 🙂

Me: Hey Kuya! What’s your favorite thing about Esther?

Kuya: Like what? Physical?


After I assured him that it wasn’t a trick question, he affirmed that what he loves most about her is her positive support and encouragement through it all–including starting his own business, racing motorcycles, and getting through college, “She has always believed in me and my endeavors.”Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Anniversary Portraits | Bay Area Wedding & Portrait PhotographerKris and Esther’s anniversary portraits were taken in the Bay Area in my Aunt and Uncle’s beautiful backyard in Pacifica, California. We didn’t have much time since we were all heading out for a family dinner, but their fun-loving personalities made my job easier. We were all laughing throughout the photoshoot and it wasn’t a problem getting natural smiles for the camera. They know how to have fun together and it showed.Anniversary Portraits | San Diego Wedding & Portrait Photographer

Happy Anniversary, you guys!



P.S. If you enjoyed reading this love story and the images from this anniversary portrait, I invite you to head over to my Facebook page and become a fan. Thanks for the love!


Hahah Kristle, now I know how he felt! super caffeinated! I love this blog entry, so cute. Thanks for the photos Kristine! This is well put together and love everything about it! I can’t wait to share with my friends!


Aww super cute! I remember Kuya mentioning that he finally asked Esther out because he got tired of ordering coffee multiple times a day to see her. 😉 Happy Anniversary guys!

HAHAHA really? That’s so funny! He’s all super-caffeinated trying to ask her out.