Tina is in the business of the American Dream—she’s a realtor, specializing in helping first time home buyers own a slice of San Diego to call their “home, sweet home”.  As a young professional with fresh ideas, she wanted the photos on her business cards and other marketing material to portray her business approach: accommodating, personal and professional.  We wanted to steer clear of the typical in-studio headshot with the gray backdrop (boOoring…) and opted for lush greenery under the bright San Diego sun instead. At first we were going to do the photo session in Balboa Park, but in the end, we decided to meet at a house in El Cajon that is currently on the market.  Tina wanted to take advantage of the beautiful landscape, the mountain views, and to stay industry specific.

Business portrait sessions can be limiting compared to other photo sessions since the focus of the images are only from the head to the torso. However, we were able to sneak in some glamor with a blouse and blazer change, and a few changes in scenery, including a garage door.

Photographers are trained to pay attention to the little details that make every photography session and event unique.  I can appreciate how Tina adds a personal touch in how she conducts business to show people that she’s thought it through from beginning to end — right down to the presentation. Experiencing the entire home-buying process and successfully closing on your first home is one of the most exciting and proud moments of a person’s life. Buying a home is possibly the grandest purchase a person will make in a lifetime.  In the words of Ron Burgundy, “I don’t know how to put this, but [it’s] kind of a big deal.”

There’s no doubt that closing on a first home is a special milestone, so Tina puts a bow on it. Imagine receiving the keys to your brand new home that is all wrapped up and tied with a pretty, red bow by this pretty woman! Putting a bow on the American Dream is what Tina is known for, and it’s great to portray her signature, personal touch in a business portrait.

In keeping with my Anchorman movie quotes, “You Stay Classy, San Diego…”

Yours Truly,


realtor business portrait

business portraitbusiness portraitBusiness portrait