Plop. A single raindrop fell. “Don’t you rain on me!” I spoke sternly into the sky. I was on my way to Balboa Park. As I tilted my head up at the gray skies from behind my windshield, a dozen more plump raindrops followed suit as if in defiance to my order.

One of the greatest things about living in San Diego is that it’s sunny year-round (well, almost).  Yes, San Diegans are spoiled by all the sunshine–a wedding and portrait photographer’s dream. On my way to a mother and daughters family portrait in Balboa Park, the sun was playing hide and seek–a game I normally don’t mind playing, but not today. I was monitoring the weather all week and throughout the day. I was expecting it to be overcast. The weather forecast lied.

Family Portrait | Balboa Park photo

Family Portrait | Balboa Park photo

Despite the soggy weather, it was a successful family portrait session with my Ate Jennifer and her two beautiful girls, AJ and Marina. This photography session was extra special to me because I was the photographer for my beautiful cousins. To boot, it was a mother and daughters portrait only a few days before Mother’s Day. They drove from Corona, California for a photography session at Balboa Park.

AJ is a student in nursing school and she’s halfway done! She looks rather lovely after a stressful week of studying for and acing all of her finals. Nostalgia alert: I’m remembering my college days after finals week. I typically fell into hibernation. HAHA. Marina plays soccer and runs track. She also plays a mean ukulele. Both of these girls are super sweet!

Family Portrait | Balboa Park photo Family Portrait | Balboa Park photo

We started the the photography session at the Organ Pavilion.  A performance was scheduled outdoors, but the rain stopped it in its tracks. Thankfully, Balboa Park has many architectural wonders to offer–including covered locations. Balboa Park is a great location for an outdoor portrait during a rainy day. We ran through the light rain and made our way towards Alcazar Gardens where the girls played the ukulele for passersby.

Family Portrait | Balboa Park photoFamily Portrait | Balboa Park photoFamily Portrait | Balboa Park photo

All of the girls were great and weren’t phased by the clammy weather at all. They even danced around in the rain. Too bad we didn’t have galoshes handy.Family Portrait | Balboa Park photoFamily Portrait | Balboa Park photo

Afterwards, we warmed up by enjoying a delicious bowl of gumbo for dinner at a local restaurant in downtown San Diego.



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Love it ! So talented