I went on a photo safari at Target. My mission was simple: shoot whatever catches my eye, and if I walk out with a pair of new shoes, so be it. 🙂 This photo safari assignment is from Jasmine Star’s ReSTARt workshop and the objective is to practice taking photographs, as well as define my  style and help to brand my website. The rules are uncomplicated: I must capture what I’m drawn to, and the images must be taken by me, rather than choosing images via Pinterest or the web.

Although there are only 13 images in this photo safari collage, I originally had double the images in total. It was hard, (I was at Target after all) but I was able to narrow the images down. I chose carefully, remembering what made me go “ooh” when I was the weirdo with the big camera at my local Target store. My first stop was in the accessory section. I love diamonds, but I am a big fan of chunky, fashion jewelry, too. The accessory section is right next to the shoe section.  It was only natural to take a pit stop to try on a pair of shoes. I will circle back for you, my darlings.

For this photo safari, I was using my 35 mm lens. I was shooting around the range of F1.8 and F2.8. While I was getting up close and personal with a rack filled with silk blouses, a Target employee asked me if she could help me find anything. Her tone was not friendly. I guess it’s time to go to housewares! Thankfully, no one said anything when I was photographing the lacy underwear.

This photography exercise was a lot of fun and I encourage anyone to try it. Non-photographers can also benefit from this exercise. I can see how a photo safari outdoors, in your own home, or at a department store can help narrow design focus. It is a collage that is uniquely you. A photo safari can be especially helpful if trying to build a website, decorate a house, or create art.  Even shoppers would enjoy this since it felt very much like window shopping. I created a virtual shopping cart with my camera, and then checked out to purchase a new pair of shoes…and jeans– as a little reward for completing my homework.

Photo Safari | Kristine Marie PhotographyWhat three adjectives come to mind when you look at my photo safari? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments!











Gold, French, Glamour.
These we’re the first words that came to mind 🙂 …not really adjectives but…

Lovely safari 🙂 x

Thanks Jasmin. Great words 🙂 I like gold, I wish I spoke French, and who doesn’t like to feel glamourous? 😉

I love the lonely but brightly colored nail polish photo! The 3 words that came to my mind after viewing these images: stylish, classy and interesting.

I also like the idea of going to a store and just capturing what catches your eye. I’ve been stuck in nesting mode for awhile but every time I go down the house decor section, I just can’t decide on what’s me?

Thanks for your input, Kristle.

Try it! Use your camera phone. You start to see patterns and colors that you’re drawn to.